Sunday, December 4, 2011

C4T post 4

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For the last C4T of the semester I was assigned Kelly Tenkely's blog iLearn Technology.  The blog is all about integrating technology in the classroom.  The first post I commented on is titled "Quixey: Your go-to app search for ALL platforms!" In this post she writes about how finding apps can be and arduous task if you don't know specifically what you are looking for. She says that Quixey uses a "functional search" process that searches for apps by device and type.  She says it is great for use in the classroom because it works so quickly and is very easy to navigate.  Here's a link to the Quixey website check it out for yourself!  Works great! 

My comment: Thanks for this post.  I use Apple products and it can be very difficult sometimes navigating the app store.  This is a great search option.  Thanks again!

The second post I commented on in the blog was titled "Friday Recap: poems, painting and an app." The blog started off with a brilliant poem written by a 5th grade student named Emma at Anastais Academy.   The poem was in the style of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" but this poem was titled "Twas the Night Before Braces." It's really funny be sure to go over and see it on the iLearn Technology blog.  The blog then goes on to recap what she has been up to for the past few days.  She has pictures of some of the paintings some students made of pencils taught to them by a local artist.  Looks like they had a great time. Because the blog did not really express an opinion I didn't really have much to say in my comment.

My comment: "That poem is great!  Its awesome to see young minds at work."

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